[2015.11.24] Prof. Dr. Susanne Baldermann visited Shizuoka campus of Shizuoka University

Prof. Dr. Susanne Baldermann visited Shizuoka campus of Shizuoka University on October 7th 2015 from University of Potsdam, paying also a courtesy visit to Professor Park Enoch Y., Director of Research Institute of Green Science and Technology (RIGST) and to Professor Naoharu Watanabe, Dean of Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST). Professor Baldermann participated in a collaborative research meeting this time as a part of the GSST activity for study exchanges and interchange students. She is a guest professor of GSST and possesses many joint paper with researchers affiliated to GSST and RIGST. She is promoting research of analysis chemistry and biosynthesis about flavor components which originate from carotenoid in plants and food, and pigments of carotenoid, anthocyanin, among others. She also promotes joint research with Shizuoka University in fields as mentioned above. In  addition, she contributes to interchange activities for researchers and students between Shizuoka University and German universities and research institutions.

[2015.11.20] Professor Ziya Günata, University of Montpellier II gave special lectures in Shizuoka University

Professor Ziya Günata, University of Montpellier II, France visited Shizuoka and Hamamatsu campus of Shizuoka University from September 2nd to 4th 2015 for giving special lectures, with the title “Flavor compounds in rice and factors involved in 2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline formation, compound developing characteristic flavor of aromatic rice varieties”. The lectures were as a part of the Program for Promotion of Global Young Students and Researchers in Interdisciplinary Research and Education of the Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST).

This visit was organized by Professor Naoharu Watanabe, Dean of GSST. The main purposes were enhancing creativity and international opening of students and young researchers who belong to GSST, as well as developing academic exchanges and collaborative research between the two universities.

Professor Günata transferred to University of Montpellier II after carrying research on wine brew and fragrances of wine at INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research). He has been researching about the fragrances of wine and rice, and has also been conducting collaborative research with Professor Watanabe.

In these special lectures, Professor Günata explained the mechanisms of generation of the flavors of wine and rice. Students were listening with high interest the talk about  fragrances of South France, a talk that cannot be heard too often in Japan. Doctoral course students, as well as young researchers and teachers participated, with a total audience of 42 persons.

Professor Günata paid a courtesy visit to Professor Naoharu Watanabe, Dean of GSST on Hamamatsu campus, then received an explanation about GSST and Promotion of Global Young Students and Researchers in Interdisciplinary Research and Education Program. They also exchanged various opinions about future activities, making this meeting a fruitful one overall.

[2015.07.29] Associate Professor Edwin Chung of Taylor’s University, Malaysia visited Shizuoka University.

Associate Professor Edwin Chung, Director of Technology Innovation Center of Taylor’s University (Malaysia) visited Shizuoka University from June 2nd to June 5th for giving special lectures and exchanging opinions as part of the Program for promotion of global young students and researchers in interdisciplinary research and education of the Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST).

This visit was organized by Associate Professor Tetsuo Narumi of the Graduate School of Science and Technology. The main purposes were enhancing creativity and international opening of our students and young researchers who belonged to the Graduate School of Science and Technology, as well as developing academic exchanges and collaborative research between the two universities.

Taylor’s University and Shizuoka University have deepened their friendship since last year, when Professor Al-Atabi, Dean of Graduate School of Engineering of Taylor’s University, visited Shizuoka University last September and since Shizuoka University participated in the International Workshop held at Taylor’s University last December.

The special lecture given by Professor Edwin Chang, “Engineering Design and Innovation”, was held in Hamamatsu campus over three days. 32 graduate, undergraduate students and researchers participated in the first day of the lectures. Professor Chang explained that, by switching ideas, it is possible to raise the value of the present products, add new functionalities and create diverse systems. He also explained the importance of marketing strategies and effective presentation methods in commercializing a product which is already developed. He then eagerly answered questions from students. We believe that the students who attended this lecture received significant hints for their future research and activities in manufacturing.

Professor Edwin Chang paid a courtesy visit to Professor Naoharu Watanabe, Dean of Graduate School of Science and Technology, from whom he received an explanation of the program for promotion of global young student and researchers in interdisciplinary research and education of the Graduate School of Science and Technology. Various opinions about future collaboration activities between the two universities have been exchanged during this meeting with a meaningful outcome.

We hope that this visit will contribute to further development of the relations between Taylor’s University and Shizuoka University in the future.

[2015.02.23] “2015 Intern ational Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University” was Held in Shizuoka University Hamamatsu campus

Three bureaus Research Institute of Electronics (RIE), Research Institute of Green Science and Technology (RIGST) and Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST) lead studies and education of doctoral course students in Shizuoka University (SU). They collaborated and held “2015 International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University ~Joint International Workshops on Advanced Nanovision Science / Advanced Green Science / Promotion of Global Young Researchers in Shizuoka University~” for the first time in SU Hamamatsu campus Sanaru Hall on 27-28th January 2015.

Joint theme of this symposium was “the creative formation of the strategic conception on future vision of studies and globalization in SU”. SU had invited 28 guests from overseas and 5 guests from the country. Around 174 people from SU including Director Hidenori Mimura of RIE, Director Park Enoch Y. of RIGST, Dean Masaaki Nagatsu of GSST, teachers, master and doctoral students, and post-doctor researchers participated.

First day of the symposium, President Yukihiro Ito gave greetings, and Vice-President Taiichi Usui gave a lecture. Professor Hideo Hosono delivered a keynote speech. Over 200 participants listened his lecture. Afterwards, 4 invited guests delivered lectures. Professor Shoji Kawahito, Professor Hirokazu Kawagishi and Professor Naoharu Watanabe from SU gave their lectures. Through their lectures, they were able to send message about enhancement of their study and human resource development from SU. Moreover, Poster session program was carried out by young researchers and graduate students (50 people). They announced the result of their everyday studies. In the awarding ceremony of Welcome party, Mr. Tomy Abuzairi who was a second year student of doctoral degree course (Nanovision Technology) for Educational Division of GSST, won the highest award, and five others won an excellent prize.

Second day of the symposium, Director Rimi Nakano of Office for Science Policy Planning, Promotion Policy Division MEXT Research Promotion Bureau delivered a lecture about “On the Unified Promotion Policy of Science and Technology”. Over 200 participants listened her lecture. After that, 12 invited guests from overseas gave lectures.

As this symposium was co-sponsored by three bureaus, the fields of broad studies included many branches which were at the forefront like optronics device, materials, environmental and biotechnology. It became an opportunity for students to increase their knowledge and gave them motivation for further study than before by the prominent invited guest’s lectures and SU professor’s lectures.

SU heartily thanks all invited guests who gave a lecture and all the parties concerned with this symposium on this occasion.