University Library
The university library consists of the head library (Shizuoka Campus) and the annex library (Hamamatsu Campus). In the head library on the Shizuoka campus, there are about 900 thousand books in stock mainly in the areas of the Humanities, Social Science, Science and Agriculture. In addition, the library subscribes to in the region of about 13,500 kinds of journals and magazines annually. In the annex library on the Hamamatsu campus, there are about 240 thousand books in stock mainly of science and engineering, and about 2,400 kinds of journals and magazines annually.

The Hamamatsu Campus Library is linked with the head library in Shizuoka Campus using computer network, enabling to search and check out books available in Shizuoka Campus Head Library. There are also network system to link with other libraries in other universities all over Japan, and database of domestic and foreign books or other scientific printing matters in the Scientific Information Center and others in Japan.
So that, the University Library supports the education and research activities of the students and the staffs mainly by providing scientific data and information through searching service and lending books.
>> University Library Home Page
Information Processing Center
The Information Processing Center has been installed in Shizuoka University in 2000, with the head in Hamamatsu Campus and the branch in Shizuoka Campus. The center has three systems: the research system, the education system and the campus backbone networking system.
For the research system, high-performance computation server (SGI2400) is installed and it is used for large-scale computation and data processing. For the education system, 176 personal computers are installed in 2 lesson rooms in Hamamatsu campus and 266 personal computers are installed in 6 lesson rooms in Shizuoka campus. These 442 personal computers, a mail server, and WWW server are utilized for the educational purposes.

at the Takayanagi Memorial Museum
he center is accessible from every laboratory in the campus using the campus backbone networking system. Also, by using the Internet, it can be linked to foreign research institutions as domestic, that will activate widely the activities of education and research, administration, scientific information processing inter-libraries, etc.
>> Information Processing Center Home Page
>> Information Processing Center Mail Address
Innovative Joint Research Center
The Innovative Joint Research Center (IJRC) has been founded in October 2003, in corporating intramural organizations, to unify the reception office promoting industry, academia, and government corporation.
The IJRC is installed in the Shizuoka, Johoku, and Miyakoda Areas. The mission of the IJRC is to provide Joint research, trust research, the joint project for research in collaboration with industry, academia and government, support and training of a university venture business, unexplored technical development, creation support, management, and technology transfer of intellectual property.

National University Corporation in 2004 is expected to realize further cooperation outside the university. The IJRC takes the lead in the industry-university collaboration of Shizuoka University.
- Innovative Joint Research Center Home Page
- Innovative Joint Research Center Mail Address
- Non-Traditional Technology Development Division
- Intellectual Property Office
Radiochemistry Research Laboratory
This laboratory was established to research radiochemistry in April, 1958 for the first time among the national universities as an affiliated facility to Shizuoka University, Faculty of Science with an effort by the faculty member who had investigated and researched the Daigo Fukuryu Maru, a Japanese fishing boat, which was exposed to and contaminated by nuclear fallout from the hydrogen bomb test on Bikini Atoll, in March, 1954.

It is consisted of two sections; the 1st is the radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry section, and the 2nd is the isotope chemistry one.
In order to pursue these researches, such equipments are provided as the Co-60 gamma-radiation machine, the liquid scintillation counter for measuring beta ray, the gamma spectrometer connected to various detectors for measuring gamma ray, the electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), and the thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS).
>> Radiochemistry Research Laboratory Home Page
Institute of Genetic Research and Biotechnology
The recombinant DNA technology that was developed in 1970s has brought a dramatic progress to the basic study of the life science. Also it has gained attention as the most advanced technology for the 21st century and is expected to contribute to the important issues which humans have at the moment such as medicine, agriculture, energy, environmental conservation, and so on.

Shizuoka University has also carried the study using the recombinant DNA technology in the basic and the applied research fields, and has shown successful results. The study in this field hence is expected to be so much advanced and complicated that we are demanded to realize high research efficiency by centralizing the related equipments, and improve and strengthen the collaborative research system.
In order to efficiently utilize and further develop the recombinant DNA technology, we need to cultivate the human resources who have sufficient knowledge and high techniques about the recombinant DNA technology. In that social background, the Institute of Genetic Research and Biotechnology was founded as an inter-university research facility with an area of 1500 square meters in the Shizuoka University Shizuoka Campus so as to promote both education and research further.Institute of Genetic Research and Biotechnology
>> Home Page
>> Institute of Genetic Research and Biotechnology Mail Address
Center for Education and Research of Field Sciences
This institute consists of three sections: Section of Sustainable Agriculture (University Farm), Section of Forest Ecology (University Forests), Section of Sea and seacoast Ecology (Marine Biochemical Laboratory).
This institute conducts comprehensive education and research into agricultural sciences.
>> Center for Education and Research of Field Sciences Home Page
Amagi Field Seminar House
Amagi field seminar house which is built in central Izu peninsula with various plant species is a center for field research, and seminars. Close to the seminar house there is: Joren Waterfalls, Taro – Japanese Cedar, Showa Forest, and many other scenic places for recreational use.

>> Amagi Field Seminar House Home Page
Health Service Center
The Health Service Center promote health and wellness at Shizuoka University by providing medical consultation and psychological care, and assisting the institution in health-related policy development. The staff in the Center will give consultation concerning students’ health. Students can use the Center to study about health care, in addition to receiving physical checkups and first-aid treatment. (The Center also has a branch on the Hamamatsu campus.)
>> Health Service Center Home Page
Tool Machining Center
The center supports the research activities in the campus by receiving order to manufacture apparatus or materials needed for research and education uses.

wire electrical discharge machine
Glass Materials Manufacturing Room
The manufacturing room is installed within the Research Institute of Electronics, supporting the research activities in the campus by receiving order of manufacturing, improving and repairing experimental apparatus using glass materials.

apparatus using glass materials