[2014.12.08] Global Green Challenges Program @ KL

GGCP Workshop 2014 at Kuala Lumpur
Shizuoka University and Taylor’s University
Dec. 15–16, 2014


This workshop will be held by Shizuoka University and Taylor’s University to promote the global education and research beyond the national border and a framework of fields of study. Given the opportunity, we challenge to solve the complex issues e.g. the global environmental problem and the population problem, develop means which permit the sustainable growth of human beings, to reconstruct the state affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and to build a strong country and social system to manage against such disasters.

Ethos of Global Green Challenges

Shizuoka University has been working on training of personnel for international collaborative research project with various Asian countries with whom we have intergovernmental agreements. In April of 2014, at the inception of Research Institute of Green Science and Technology, the concept of the education and research of Shizuoka University was named Global Green Challenges as a catch-phrase and we hope that our aggressive activities will contribute to achieving our aim.

Based on this basic spirit, Shizuoka University and overseas universities and research institutions will build strong solidarity with the education and research “Global Green Challenges Platform”. This concept of the international solidarity with mutual trusts and common agendas with proper execution can help us resolve issues and make a deep relationship. Regular contact like using Skype for meetings and classes without any cost can further assist our goals.

Strengthening of the education and research with BB7

In Asia, we have made a strong international relationship in education and research mainly among BB7 (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia).

This program “Global Green Challenge Program” is held to realize the education and research actions in the “Global Green Challenge Platform”.

Participants and Information

Takayuki Saito, Prof. & Dr.Eng.* Global Green Challenges (Research Activities of Green Energy Research Division of RIGST)
* Green Challenges of Shizuoka University, and the global green platform for the challengesEnoch Y. Park, Prof. & Dr.Eng.* Green Science and Technology targeting 21st Century’s Sustainable Green GrowthNobuyuki Mase, Prof. & Ph.D.* Organic Synthetic Methodology Based on Process and Green ChemistryTetsuo Narumi, Assoc. Prof. & Dr.Pharm.* Design and Synthesis of Advanced Tools for Chemical BiologyMasaki Shintani, Assoc. Prof. & Ph.D.* Visualization of Mobile DNA in Various EnvironmentsYosuke Tashiro, Assistant Prof. & Ph.D.* Control of microbial interactions for biotechnologyHiroyuki Futamata, Prof. & Ph.D.* Rechargeable bio-nanomaterial for constructing sustainable societyMr. Yuki Mizushima (Ph.D. student at Saito Lab.)* Visualization of bubble formation induced by femtosecond laser pulses in water/acetone on a time scale from sub-picosecond to microsecondsMiss Jie Huang (First-year master’s degree student at Saito Lab.)* Influences of bubble-interface contamination on bubble motion and liquid motion, and these effects on instantaneous mass transferMiss Sayuri Yanai (Senior student at Saito Lab.)* Interaction between acoustic cavitation bubbles and dispersed particles in a kHz-order-ultrasound-irradiated waterMr. Ryo Tsuchiya (Second-year master’s degree student at Watanabe Lab.)* Naturally occurring flower-inducing compounds from Lemna plants

[2014.10.14] News about 2015 International Symposium holding of 3 bureau co-sponsorship in Shizuoka University

Research Institute of Electronics (RIE), Research Institute of Green Science and Technology (RIGST), Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST) support the education of the Graduate, Post-graduate and the doctoral course students of the Shizuoka University. These 3 bureaus will cooperate and hold the international symposium.

The International Symposium features the common theme of “future vision and globalization of the study in Shizuoka University and nurturing of young researcher for the next generation”, and is intended to plan the improvement of regional alliances and the interchange with representative researchers and the young researchers inside and outside the university.

This International Symposium is the first being held. The details are as followed;

[2015.1.13 update]

The Title of Symposium 2015 International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University
~Joint International Workshops on Advanced Nanovision Science / Advanced Green Science / Promotion of Global Young Researchers in Shizuoka University~
The Date for Symposium 27th-28th January 2015
The Venue of Symposium Hamamatsu Campus, Shizuoka University
The contact information
  • Research Institute of Green Science and Technology
    The office clerk: Toshinori Iino
    E-mail: kenkyu [a] adb.shizuoka.ac.jp *Please replace [a] with @.
    Tel: 054-238-4264
    Fax: 054-238-4312
  • Graduate School of Science and Technology
    The office clerk: Shihoko Wada
    E-mail: dousou-jimu [a] ebur.cs.inf.shizuoka.ac.jp
    *Please replace [a] with @.
    Tel: 053-478-1350
    Fax: 053-478-1359

[2014.10.14] Professor Al-Atabi, Dean of school of Engineering of Taylor’s University visited Shizuoka University from Malaysia.

Professor Takayuki Saito, vice director of Research Institute of Green Science and Technology had invited Professor Al-Atabi, Dean of school of Engineering of Taylor’s University, Malaysia to Shizuoka University for exchange of opinions from 1st to 4th September by Promotion of global young student and researchers in interdisciplinary research and education programme of The Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST).

The purpose is to build relations with Universities of booming Malaysia because this invitation promotes originality and the internationality of the young researchers and the doctoral course students in GSST.

Prof. Al-Atabi visited Research Institute of Green Science and Technology (RIGST) of Shizuoka University and toured Functional genomic section and Molecular structure analysis section of RIGST. During his stay, Prof. Al-Atabi discussed extensively about cooperation of research and student exchange program with Prof. Park, Director of RIGST, and Prof. Saito, vice director of RIGST. He also made a courtesy call on Director. Usui afterwards.

Prof. Al-Atabi paid a courtesy visit to Professor Watanabe, Director of GSST Research Division on Hamamatsu campus, then he listened to explanation of “Promotion of global young student and researchers in interdisciplinary research and education programme”. Prof. Watanabe introduced him to Shizuoka University plan about foreign students studying in major environment and energy, bioscience, and information science. The students are from Vietnam, Philippines in addition to the Bay of Bengal countries including Malaysia (Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka) in GSST. They exchanged opinions about the future activity.

Prof. Mushtak Talib Ali Al-Atabi gave the lecture about himself, Taylor’s University, Malaysia and ideals of the education for the student and the engineering field where growth and development would be expected how they are interrelated by environmental problem in the world. Approximately 50 researcher, graduate students, undergraduate students, attended the lecture in the joint research laboratory building. Prof. Al-Atabi talked “A purpose to learn is creating the job, starting business and challenging the field that students want to do, not finding a job in big company merely. Therefore I teach students a method and challenging mind to start business by themselves.” A student asked him the question, “What can Japanese students do to start business?” He answered “Anyone can show an idea through the internet. Some kind of participation is possible. It is important to have such a will.” After this lecture, a student spoke an opinion, “It was great that Prof. Al-Atabi lecture provided them with a chance to increase their ability. I was impressed by his eagerness that he taught them to realize their will.”

Presentation Schedule(PDF/80KB)

14 presentation were made by researchers and the graduate student in total belonging to mechanical, chemistry, environmental and energy, agricultural engineering, and information science departments afterwards. Prof. Al-Atabi showed interest in each study and asked interesting questions. The student who attended this lecture gave an opinion, “I have not had many opportunities to hear presentation about the different field. This presentation was very useful for me. I studied that each studies have different points of view for me.”

Prof. Al-Atabi visited laboratories of GSST and RIGST on Hamamatsu campus. He listened to the explanation of the study contents of professor and the student eagerly. And he asked how a student made power for a study and how the study was helpful for the society now. He advised a student, “It is important to be interested about various phenomena and you need to think about why phenomena physically occur, using the knowledge that you can have even if you don’t know the answer.” When he observed the motion of particle flocculation in Saito laboratory, he was very interested and said he would re-create the experiment in Malaysia. Opportunity was given to students to explain their results from their studies to Prof. Al-Atabi in English and received advice from him.

Prof. Al-Atabi paid a courtesy visit to Professor Masaaki Nagatsu, Dean of GSST. They discussed and exchanged opinions to build the friendly relationship on the education and the study between both universities.

Prof. Al-Atabi had a meeting with Prof. Saito that they would held the workshop at Kuala Lumpur in December.

Shizuoka University will construct a good relationship in Malaysia based in Taylor’s University by the experience of this workshop and is going to develop collaborative studies, researchers and students interchange with the universities of the Bay of Bengal countries in the future.