Information for incoming Doctor’s course students
Doctor’s course in Shizuoka University widely offers studying opportunities for incoming students from foreign countries.
In fact, a lot of international students are studying and doing research in our university.
If you are interested in studying at our university, please apply in accordance with the following procedure.
If you have any questions, please contact this email address; terao-s@(please add “” after @)
1 Find and contact the prospective supervisor whom you receive academic advice from.
GSST is doctoral course which consists of 5 departments.
- Department of Nanovision Technology
- Department of Optoelectronics and Nanostructure Science
- Department of Information Science and Technology
- Department of Environment and Energy Systems
- Department of Bioscience
Please refer the list of academic staff and contact the prospective supervisor beforehand.
If you need advice to choose the supervisor, please contact this email address; terao-s@(please add “” after @)
You had better discuss your study plan with the supervisor before your admission.
2 Choose your status from the following options.
When you apply for the admission, you need to decide the status. There are three kinds of status for international students.
(1) Japanese Government Scholarship Students
- Application deadline: December in the previous year
- Entrance examination: February
- Notification of acceptance: June
- Enrollment: October
The admission fee and tuition will be exempt and you will receive scholarship for three years from Japanese government. The dormitory (International Residence) is available for the first year except the case that all rooms are fully occupied.
To be adopted as a Japanese Government Scholarship Students (JGSS) is competitive. However, the Departments of “Nanovision Technology” and “Optoelectronics and Nanostructure Science” have the priority to adopt totally five JGSS every year, so the students who major those courses have the higher probability of receiving scholarship.
(2) Self-supported Students
- Application deadline: December in the previous year
- Entrance examination: February
- Notification of acceptance: March
- Enrollment: April
- Application deadline: July
- Entrance examination: August
- Notification of acceptance: September
- Enrollment: October
You will pay admission fee, tuition and living expenses by yourself. You may live in the dormitory (International Residence) for the first year if the rooms are not fully occupied. The accommodation fee of the dormitory is about one-forth of the private apartments.
(3) DDP students
Please discuss pre-enrollment schedule with your supervisor.
Double Degree Special Program enables the students to obtain two kinds of doctoral degrees which are conferred by Shizuoka University and home university. For enrollment as DDP student, the home university and Shizuoka University must have already concluded not only University agreement but memorandum of DDP.
Moreover, your current supervisor and prospective supervisor in Shizuoka University must discuss the study and research plan prior to your application. To meet these conditions, you can apply for DDP, and you will have a priority of receiving scholarship.