
Susumu Ishihara Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Mobile Computing, Mobile Networking

Research Detail

We have been developping mechanisms for improving communication performance using cooperation of multiple mobile computers and for assisting pedestrians and drivers by sharing images and information around users.

Yugo Takeuchi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Cognitive Science, Human-Agent Interaction(HAI), Computer Mediated Communication, Interaction Design

Research Detail

We focus on human cognitive behavior toward other persons, artifacts, and agents, which are carried out as following studies: Basic studies on cognitive human communication, Human-Agent Interaction studies, and Real World Oriented Media Design.

Jun Oshima Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

The Learning Sciences

Research Detail

Designing and evulating learning environments for knowledge creation practices.

Ritsuko Oshima Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Learning Sciences

Research Detail

Design of collaborative learning environment.

Gosuke Ohashi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Digital Image Processing, Sensing via Image Information

Research Detail

Sensing Technology via Image Information based on Digital Image Processing and Visual Information Processing.

Shinya Kiriyama Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Spoken Language Processing, Intelligent Information Processing, Human Interface

Research Detail

Development of Human-friendly Interaction System and Design of Human-centric Acoustic Environment.

Teppei Koguchi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Research Detail

Tatsuhiro Konishi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Informatics and Systems in Education

Research Detail

We are designing and constructing educational systems based on advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cognitive models, natural language processing, and so on.

Hitoshi Saji Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Image Processing, Remote Sensing

Research Detail

We have analyzed disaster areas and road traffic information using aerial images, satellite images, and a digital map.

Akichika Shiomi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Image Processing System, Embedded System, Design Automation, Architecture

Research Detail

The system design about the hardware architecture and the embedded system for an image processing is studied.

Akihiko Sugiura Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Multimedia Encoding, Wireless Network, Application Development

Research Detail

Our main subjects are advancement of multimedia information communication technology, and its application to medical treatment and education etc..

Takahiro Sugiyama Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Image Processing, Application Development

Research Detail

Development of Image Processing Functions and its Application.

Sanetake Nagayoshi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Knowledgemanament,Management Information Systems

Research Detail

Organizational learning from failure and Optimize business performance in company by applying information systems and information technology.

Masakatsu Nishigaki Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Information Security, Humanics Security, Entertainment Security

Research Detail

Our main aim is to achieve the next-generation system security which overcomes security-usability trade off by overarching security techniques and human characteristics.

Masafumi Nishida Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Speech Information Processing, Behavioral Signal Processing, Well-being Information, Machine Learning

Research Detail

We are conducting research to eliminate the digital divide by using sound and speech processing and machine learning technologies, and to realize universal communication that does not make people feel old or disabled.

Masatsugu Niwayama Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Biomedical Measurement, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Research Detail

We have been developing new methods for measuring accurate hemoglobin concentrations for brain and muscle using near-infrared spectroscopy.

Masahiro Nohmi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Nano-satelllite development, Satellites cooperative control, Space robotics, Lunar and planetary exploration

Research Detail

Space verification experiment by Nano-satellite. Robotics cooperative control of plural satellites connected by tether.

Takahiro Hasegawa Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Research Detail

Naoki Fukuta Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Multi-Agent Systems, Mobile Agents, Semantic Web, and their Applications

Research Detail

Development and Analysis of Complex Systems formed by `Agents’, and Application to (Linked) Open Data and Semantic Web.

Yasunobu Maeda Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Risk Analysis, Information Systems

Research Detail

Information systems for risk analysis Knowledge managemant based on data science approach.l;l;

Koji Michishita Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Electrical and Electronic Engineering and High Voltage Engineering

Research Detail

Lightning Discharge and Lightning Protection of Electrical System.

Hiroshi Mineno Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Mobile & Ubiquitous computing, Wireless sensor network system

Research Detail

Application on heterogeneous network convergence and global sensor network system.

Makoto Miyazaki Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Cognitive Neuroscience, Physical Education, Sport Psychology

Research Detail

In our laboratory, we investigate the brain mechanisms underlying perception, cognition, and motor behavior using psychophysical methods and brain-function measurement techniques. The keywords of our current researches are “Body”, “Time” and “Uncertainty”.

Rinko Miyazaki Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Theory of functional differential equations

Research Detail

I study qualitative theory of delay differential equations, especially I’m interested in delay effects on stabilities of solutions.

Yoshinori Miyazaki Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

e-Learning, Software Development on English & Math Education, Numerical Simulation

Research Detail

Development of Online Learning Software and Numerical Simulation, Each of Whose Topic is Based on Informatics. Important Data in the Course of Learning Process and Physical Phenomena are Extracted, Processed, & Analyzed.

Junya Morita Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Cognitive Science,  Cognitive Modeling

Research Detail

We are modeling the mechanism of Information processing behind human behaivor aiming to support various everyday activity based on computationally technologies.

Hiroyasu yuhashi Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Management Information System, Management Strategy, Marketing

Research Detail

Digital Marketing, IoT Services, Cyber-physical Systems

Tadahiro Wada Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Wireless Communications Systems, Wireless Networks, Error Correcting Codes

Research Detail

Development of Meteor Burst Communication and Visible light Communication Systems. New application of Error Correcting odes.

Shogo Ishikawa Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Human Interface, Multimodal interaction, Computer science and technology for human cognitive disorder

Research Detail

We have constructed a platform for collecting data and interpreting the meaning of multimodal interactions. Using the platform, we have developed a system to create learning fields and well-being.

Genki Ichinose Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Complex Systems, Network Science, Evolutionary Games

Research Detail

Analysing the collective behaviors of humans and other animals by mathematical modelling and simulation

Tomotaka Ito Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Robotics, Control Eng., Welfare Eng.

Research Detail

We focus on the intelligent control of robot systems, e.g. binpicking robot systems and mobile robots. We are also developing support devices for welfare use, e.g. a robotic cane and rehabilitation equipments.

Shin Usuki Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Precision Engineering, Optical Metrology, Image Processing

Research Detail

Three dimensional in-process measurement and geometric modeling for the nano-micro manufacturing industry.

Tetsushi Ohki Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Identity Science, Privacy and Surveillance society, Post-singularity security

Research Detail

We aim to realize a safe and secure society by tackling security and privacy issues occurring newly due to the development of network society from the viewpoint of cryptography theory and machine learning, etc.

Yoshimasa Ohmoto Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Cognitive Science, Human-Agent Interaction

Research Detail

We have two main research goals: the scientific goal of elucidating the cognitive process of intention communication, and the practical goal of applying the results to the realization of artifacts that can interact naturally with humans.

Takayuki Omori Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Software Engineering

Research Detail

Software engineering is an academic field that involves creating good software within constraints such as limited time, cost, and personnel, and it covers a very wide range of themes. We are looking for students highly motivated to improve our society with software engineering techniques.

Masaki Owari Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Quantum Information Science

Research Detail

I mainly investigate algorithms working on Quantum Computer, and also a way to control quantum systems.

Atsuhiko Kai Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Speech processing, Spoken language interface, Pattern information processing

Research Detail

We have been developing spoken language systems including speech recognition and spoken language technologies. Our recent research topics include speech interface system, spoken document processing and car-driving signal processing.

Yoshinobu Kano Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Dialog System

Research Detail

Our research includes development of various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications and integrated platform for NLP. We also aim to develop a dialog system that naturally cummunicates like humans.

Tomoya Kitani Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Computer Networks, Intelligent Transport Systems, Bikeinformatics

Research Detail

Develop a sensing infrastracture with motorcycles.

Jinhyuk Kim Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Health Informatics, Health Psychology

Research Detail

We examine the mechanisms underlying health-related behaviors and their risk factors by building strong technical and administrative mobile healthcare systems

Yuichi Kobayashi Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Recognition and Control of Robot, Cognitive Developmental Robotics, Optimal Control and Optimization

Research Detail

We aim to realize learning method for robot by mimicking human developmental process, considering embodiment. Environment- adaptive system is studied based on optimal control and machine learning.

Tadatoshi Sekine Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Electormagnetic compatibility (EMC), Numerical simulation

Research Detail

Our research topic is numerical simulation techniques including artificial inteligence (AI) technology toward the efficient electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design and countermeasure.

Yosuke Tatekura Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Speech and Acoustic Processing

Research Detail

My research interests are sound field control, sound source separation and computational auditory scene analysis based on digital signal processing.

Takashi Tsunakawa Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Natural Language Processing

Research Detail

Our goal is to apply natural language processing techologies, including large language models, to social problems: machine translation, AI-generated text detection, educational systems, and patent information processing.

Sayaka Tohyama Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Cognitive Science, Educational Technology

Research Detail

We investigate the process of how people learn and understand. The target domains are programming, mathematics and science (STEAM education).

Yoshitaka Yamamoto Associate Professor / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Data mining and big data processing

Research Detail

We study core technologies in big data processing for data-driven scientific discoveries.

Yoshimitsu Okita Lecturer / Hamamatsu

Research Area

Biomedical Engineering, Physiological Anthropology, Mibyou Technology

Research Detail

In functional food and drinks, we have been developing new measurement and analysis system for the physiological function of human.

Nobuyuki Suzuki Professor / Shizuoka


mathematical logic, non-classical logics


My research interests are non-classical logics and their applications, especially by semantical methods.

Naoki Tanaka Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Semigroups of Operators and Evolution Equations

Research Detail

Generation of semigroups of Lipschitz operators and well-posedness of abstract Cauchy problems.」

Asato Tsuchiya Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Particle theory, Cosmology

Research Detail

Nonperturbative study of quantum field theory and superstring theory.

Izuru Mori Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry

Research Detail

Homological and geometric properties of noncommutative projective schemes Classification of quantum projective spaces and quantum ruled surfaces.

Tetsuya Hosaka Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Geometric group theory

Research Detail

We investigate CAT(0) spaces on which CAT(0) groups act geometrically, and Coxeter groups, Davis complexes and their boundaries.

Diego A. Mejía Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Mathematical Logic and Set Theory

Research Detail

Forcing theory and combinatorics of the real line.

Takeshi Morita Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Theoritical Physics

Research Detail

String theory, gauge theory and black hole.

Tatsuro Yuge Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Statistical Physics

Research Detail

We study open quantum systems as basic models of nonequilibrium statisitical mechanics and condensed matter physics.

Teruyuki Yorioka Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area

Axiomatic Set Theory

Research Detail

Combinatorics on aleph_1 and forcing theory

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