Yasushi Todoroki Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Bioorganic Chemistry
Research Detail
We have been researching on creation and application of synthetic chemical regulators of biosynthesis, reception and catabolism of plant signal molecules and secondary metabolites.

Toshinobu Tokumoto Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Reproductive Biology
Research Detail
We want to demonstrate the molecular mechanisms to enter the meiotic cell division through membrane steroid receptor on oocyte surface by non-genomic steroid actions.

Koichiro Awai Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Plant Physiology, Lipid Biochemistry
Research Detail
Physiological functions of membrane lipids in photosynthetic organisms. Establishment of platforms for production of useful compounds in photosynthetic organisms.

Takashi Ushimaru Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
Research Detail
Molecular mechanisms of cell proliferation in response to external signals and stressesm including nutrient starvation. Molecular mechanisms of chromosome separation and segregation in mitosis.

Tatsuya Kato Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Biotechnology, Protein engineering
Research Detail
The improvement of efficient recombinant protein production using silkworms is carried out and the application of silkworm-produced recombinant proteins to various fields in our life science is aimed.

Yoko Kimura Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Research Detail
We are investigating protein quality control and stress response using yeast.

Akiko Kozaki Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Plant molecular biology
Research Detail
We are interesting in the molecular mechanism how the germination and growth of plants are regulated by internal and environmental signals.

Shinya Kodani Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Natural product chemistry
Research Detail
My research interest is to clarify the biologiocal regulatory mechanism of useful microorganisms such as Actinomyces, which is a major source of antibiotic production.

Masakazu Suzuki Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Research Detail
We study the molecular mechanisms for the adaptation of vertebrates to environments, maintenance of homeostasis, reproduction, development of endocrine organs, mainly using fish and amphibians, to understand the diversity and evolution of vertebrates, and further the fundamental biological processes common to all vertebrates. We also intend to apply novel functional molecules to advanced medical and industrial technologies.

Hirobumi Takenouchi Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
philosophy, ethics (bioethics, environmental ethics, food and agricultural ethics), and thanatology
Research Detail
Focusing on the correlative relationship between life(bios) and the environment, life and death, and agriculture and food, we inquire into both current and classical questions as to achieve a new integrative way of research for human life, death and environment.

Jae-Hoon Choi Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Natural Products Chemistry
Research Detail
Search for signal molecules that regulate biological phenomenone and their mechanism of action

Motonori Tomita Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Functional Genomics, Gene Isolation, Breeding Biotechnology
Research Detail
Gene Identification and Genetic Modification of Rice and Wheat by Genome-Wide Association Study.

Masakazu Hara Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology
Research Detail
We investigate functions of plant-specific stress proteins, and our goal is to produce new bio-materials by using these proteins.

Hirofumi Hirai Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Biochemistry for Woodly Plant, and Environment
Research Detail
We have been studying on molecular breedings of white-rot fungi which can produce ethanol from woody biomass, and which can degrade environmental pollutions effectively.

Reiko Motohashi Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Plant Molecular Genetics
Research Detail
To better understand the mechanism of plastid differentiation, we are analyzing functions of plastid protein genes using Arabidopsis tag lines and tomato mutants.

Ayumu Yamamoto Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Molecular cell biology, Biochemystry
Research Detail
By visualizing biomolecules and examining their dynamics in live cells, we study molecular mechanisms regulating genome dynamics and faithful transmission of genetic information to offsprings.

Takanori Oyoshi Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Chemical Biology, Nucleic Acids Chemistry
Research Detail
We elucidate the function of nucleic acid local conformation. DNA and RNA form various structures involved in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. We investigate the relationship between these diseases and nucleic acid local conformation.

Kazutoshi Sayama Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Animal physiology and biochemistry, Food biochemistry
Research Detail
Effects of food components on the development of several diseases. Effects of social stress on the development of metabolic syndrome. Study on the mechanism of immunogloblin secretion as a component of milk in mammary gland.

Ryo Nagao Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Research Detail
Our group’s ultimate goal is to resource photosynthetic algae and develop systems that utilize these algae for environmental purification. To achieve this, we are focusing on deepening our understanding of photosynthetic mechanisms and advancing research on algae biomass production.

Hisae Hirata Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Plant Pathology
Research Detail
Our research is mainly focused on the interaction between plants and their pathogenic bacteria to study molecular mechanisms of virulence.

Takeomi Murata Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Research Detail
We have been developing sugar chain materials that will have inhibitory effects on infections of H. pyroli and aggregation of Aβ.

Toshio Mori Associate Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Forest Biochemistry, Environmental Microbiology
Research Detail
Analysis of wood-rot fungal-bacterial interactions and regulatory mechanisms of gene-expression for effective utilization of lignocellulosic biomass

Takatsugu Miyazaki Assistant Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Enzymology, Structural Biology, Protein engineering
Research Detail
We have been searching for novel carbohydrate-active enzymes from genomes of microorganisms and investigating their structure-function relationships. Based on their structures, we are developing enzymes to synthesize useful glycosides.

Hiroki Gotoh Assistant Professor / Shizuoka

Research Area
Evolutionary Developmental Biology
Research Detail
Developmental mechanism of unique morphology in non-model insects, especially on stag beetles and treehoppers.