The Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division, shall organize and implement its curriculum in accordance with the following policy based on the diploma policy.

Curriculum organization policy

  1. To achieve international standard research results, the Graduate School of Science and Technology provides lectures on “specialized subjects” that contain both in-deep content and practical knowledge by selected professors who are active at the leading edge of academia.
  2. Management skills and knowledge to learn ethics for taking into consideration the welfare of humankind, which are required for researchers and engineers in the 21st century, are offered as short-term intensive seminars.
  3. “General topics” which enable understanding of all research fields in each department, and “New fields” which are lectures on knowledge in areas expected to develop in the future, are offered to keep up with the rapid progress of science and technology.

Policy on teaching and learning methods in the curriculum

  1. For research guidance, assistant supervisor system is introduced by professors from the Research Division to provide multifaceted, interdisciplinary basic, and specialized education for student guidance.
  2. To accept international students, a special English course is established to foster internationally-minded researchers and advanced engineers through friendly competition with Japanese students.
  3. Specialized subjects are arranged to acquire in-deep knowledge of each department. Common subjects in three categories of “General Topics, “New Fields”, and “Basic Common Subject” are arranged to acquire creative powers, problem recognition abilities, independent problem-solving powers and communication skills able to meet the expectations of local and international societies, and having broad sophistication matching the times and fully internationally grounded knowledge.
  4. Special lectures are arranged in each department to acquire advanced knowledge and cutting-edge research information through invited lectures by eminent domestic and international researchers and specially requested lectures.
  5. Special research and exercises are arranged to educate high-tech engineers and researchers with fostering high level engineers and researchers with broad sophistication matching the times, specialized professional knowledge and fully internationally grounded knowledge.

Policy for assessment of learning outcomes

  1. Evaluation of a subject is based on course objective, examination, oral interview, report and so forth described in the syllabus.
  2. The degree defense and final examination are conducted with oral or written answers on the research results of the doctoral dissertation and subjects related to the dissertation.