“MEXT The International Priority Graduate Programs (PGP) 2012 -Advanced Graduate Courses for International Students-” was adopted.

Central/Eastern Europe and Asia International Education Partnership Programme

University Shizuoka University
Graduate course
and Department
Two departments of Graduate School of Science and Technology:
Nanovision Technology, and Optoelectronics and Nanostructure Science
Dean NAGATSU Masaaki
Campus address
3-5-1 Johoku, Naka-ku Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8011
Contact Division Graduate School of Science and Technology office, Shizuoka University
E-mail oknara[at]ipc.shizuoka.ac.jp *Please replace [at] with “@”.
TEL/FAX number Tel:+81-53-478-1350

Summary of this programme

Programme area Natural science
Research areas Main areas: Electrical & electronic engineering, Applied optics, and Imaging engineering
Main features or
speciallities of
this programme
This program aims to follow and expand upon previous MEXT scholarship programs in order to develop young talent in “imaging engineering, and related optical and electronic engineering,” in which our university has a long tradition. Through the program, we will accept students mainly from (but not restricted to) partner universities in Central/Eastern Europe and Asia. In particular, the program further aims to strengthen international bonds with the partner universities by accepting double-degree program (DDP) students, co-supervised by the faculties of both universities.
Forms and degree Doctoral degree (3 years)
Student Enrollment Doctoral Degree: 16
International students 16 (including those with MEXT scholarship guaranteed: 8)
Japanese students 0
Enrollment period October (annually)
Recruitment Target countries
or areas
Partner universities in Central/Eastern Europe and Asia
Notification by Shizuoka University’s website and partner universities
Faculties 52
Programme manager Job title: Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology
Name: TABE Michiharu

Details of this Programme


This program targets outstanding international students, mainly from (but not restricted to) partner universities in Central/Eastern Europe and Asia, with which we have rich exchange history. This program puts Hamamatsu campus’s tradition of high quality doctoral education & research in the field of “Imaging engineering & Optical and electrical engineering”, into practice. We aim to cultivate researchers and engineers who will both stay in Japan and work in the industry, academia, and government, as well as those who will return to perform leading roles in their countries. Another outcome that the program aims at is to build an international exchange network.

Areas of Study, Features, and Geographical Regions

  • In the graduate school, departments of “Nanovision Technology,” and “Optoelectronics and Nanostructure Science” will conduct this doctoral program in the field of “Imaging engineering & Optical and electrical engineering.” Our Hamamatsu Campus has been a major player in imaging, optics, and electronics research since the days of Dr. TAKAYANAGI Kenjiro, “Father of Television.” We were selected in 2002 for MEXT’s Optronics Cluster Program and in 2004 for MEXT’s 21st century COE program “Creating Center for Nanovision Science.” In both cases, we earned the top rank in post-program evaluations. In 2009, we earned an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Milestone, signifying historic achievement, for “Electronic Television Development.” We were also selected for two MEXT’s Special Programs in the recent years.
  • The program aims to strengthen international bonds with the partner schools by accepting international students, in particular, on a double-degree program (DDP) with joint guidance from the faculties of both schools. The DDP between Shizuoka Univ. and the Warsaw University of Technology, on which Shizuoka University began accepting students in 2006, was probably the first example in Japan of accredited doctoral double degrees. Since then, DDP memoranda have also been executed in other countries in Asia, and the number of accepted DDP students has risen to 11. The DDP system offers significant advantages in terms of research collaboration between faculties and employment prospects after graduation for the DDP students.
  • The geographical regions to which this program applies are principally Central/Eastern Europe and Asia. We have had over 10 years of successful exchange activities with our partner universities in Central/Eastern Europe (12 universites in 9 countries, including 4 DDP partners), through the annual international conference Inter-Academia. We have also developed mutual exchanges experience with our partner universities in Asia (4 universities in 4 countries, including 3 DDP partners) through annual international conferences.
Fig. 1: Partner universities in Central/Eastern Europe and Asia for this program. International conferences and seminars as a platform for exchange are also indicated.

Selection Method

  • Recruitment will be widely announced on the Web, since we are seeking outstanding international students for the national scholarship. Applicants are NOT restricted to students or DDP students of partner universities. However, priority will be given to applicants from partner universities in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia. Furthermore, the highest priority will be given to DDP applicants from the partner universities.
  • Entrance examinations, in addition to review of documents such as academic records, will be administered online by internet tools. The strict examinations will be conducted by examiner consists of 3 faculty members, excluding those who could be appointed for academic supervisors of the applicants.

Guidance Structure, Curriculum, and Languages

  • The guidance structure will consist of primary and secondary advisors, both from Shizuoka University faculties.
  • The curriculum for the program will consist of specialized subjects and interdisciplinary subjects to cultivate broad perspective. The program will be conducted entirely in English, including day-to-day research guidance.
  • Monday Morning Forum (MMF): In every Monday morning, faculties, students, and postdocs, mainly from the Nanovision Technology course, gather for presentations by doctoral students and young researchers. It started in 2005 academic year and now serves as a staple of research exchange and faculty development.
  • DDP international students will be advised jointly both by faculties from their own country and by faculties of Shizuoka University. DDP international students will be expected to report regularly on the progress of their research and study to their home-country advisors in Monthly Reports.

Career Support and Follow-Up after Completion of the Program

  • We maintain a network with our alumni in order to support students after graduation. We keep in touch with our alumni through international conferences, such as Inter-Academia, held with our partner universities. In particular, for DDP international students, the advisors of partner universities and Shizuoka University can provide a foundation for joint follow-up with alumni.
  • We offer career support service for doctoral students. In 2012, we opened the Center for Doctoral Career Development, in order to secure a wide range of career paths for our students, in Japan and abroad.

Joint Study and Research with Japanese Students

  • A feature of the doctoral students at our graduate school is that they are composed of international students, Japanese students, and students working for companies in approximately equal thirds. This makes for a lively international environment, in which Japanese and international students learn from each other.
  • All of the lectures for this program are conducted in English. In this environment, Japanese students are getting used to taking classes in English and participating in discussion with foreign students in English. As Japanese students also participate in MMF and international conferences with partner universities, they are given plenty of opportunities for cross-cultural interaction.
Fig. 2: Career path flow and international network for doctoral students